Richard's palette
Richard's palette is sorted by value and color with neutrals on the left.

Feild sketch
Field sketch in Donna's backyard. The reason for the field sketch - "What can the camera not tell me". 

Finished field sketch
Richard's finished field sketch

My field sketch in the backyard
My field sketch in Donna's backyard

Richard's plein air starts with a good pencil drawing and watercolor underpainting.

"A good painting is by design not by accident" 

"Value does the work - color gets the glory"

Richard's finished painting
Richard's finished painting

My field sketch on location
My field sketch on location

Beginning my under painting
Starting my watercolor underpainting

My painting
Using my field sketch as a reference, I finish my pastel painting in the studio.

Richard starts his painting from a photo reference.

Painting from a photo reference
Watercolor underpainting begins.

His finished painting
Richard's finished painting

Group photo

Richard signing his book "Pastel Pointers" with our host Donna Trent.


1 comment | Post comment

sounds like you had a great time!
-- Helen Shafer Garcia, 10/12/11

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